Oral Hygiene

As new teeth erupt, examine them every two weeks for lines and discoloration caused by decay. Remember that sugary foods and liquids can attack a new tooth, so take care that your child brushes their teeth after feeding or eating. We recommend brushing four times a day for optimal oral hygiene: after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner, and at bedtime. Brushing can be fun, and your child should brush as soon as the first tooth arrives. When a baby’s tooth erupts, parents should brush the tooth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste. We suggest reviewing proper tooth brushing procedures with your child.

Good Foods, Bad Foods with Dianne Ryan, RDH

Brushing Instructions - Amy Stochel, RDH & Ali the Alligator

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month!

Be on the lookout during the months of February and March – you may see one of these familiar faces! During this time, our dental hygienists (and their furry friends) are super busy making weekly visits to local daycares and schools to help teach your little ones all about the importance of dental health!

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    Jefferson Valley, NY 10535
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